Monday, April 5, 2010

Final Thoughts about the Course

Huma 1650 was an interesting course nonetheless. It gave an in-depth insight into the Networked Imagination. Entering this course, I had no idea what the Networked Imagination was and what it was all about. It is extremely complex to understand. Some main things that I felt I learned a lot more about throughout the course was:

  • Walter Benjamin and mechanical reproduction
  • the evolution of the Internet and the networked society
  • Cyberspace
  • Will to Virtuality
  • Second Self
  • Copyright Laws and the Copyleft movement
  • Technological Determinism
  • Utopian Optimists and Pre-lapsarian Pessimists
  • Neuromancer: how technology uses us.
  • The Machine Stops: we cannot always depend on technology
  • The Importance of Cyborgs: they stand up for people have been denied rights as humans because the hybdridity disrupts certain boundaries set by the Power Elite class.
Covering all these major topics allowed me to explore what the networked imagination was all about. Prior to taking this course I just saw myself as a user: someone who uses technology, but in fact technology uses us, and this is something that many of us are not even aware about! Furthermore, prior to entering this course, I always depended on my computer and my cell phone as a way of connecting with friends and family, but now I don't because what happens when the machine stops???



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